Math Joke

Cousin Tom has just sent me a math joke, so of course I have to put it up on the blog…

White-Pebble asked for a math joke – so here it is:

When Noah’s arc came to rest on land after the Flood – Noah opened the doors and told all the animals to go forth and multiply. Two little snakes came up to him and said but what should we do – “We are adders” – Noah paused, then walked over and cut down a tree. From the truck of the tree he built a table. He then said to the snakes – “There is a log table – now you adders can multiply!!!”

2 thoughts on “Math Joke

  1. Only I keep trying to figure out how the “arc” fits into the joke. Since I’m terrible at math, I don’t know if it has some relevant (and hilarious) meaning…or if it’s just a typo. 😉

    [By the way…this is off-topic but I finally felt the need to point out that when I leave a comment, the live preview down below is displayed in approximately 4 pixel type! I can see something being added as I type, but I’ll be darned if I can recognize it as actual words. Just thought you’d want to know.]

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